Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Liars:Frank Agresti ...World is an illusion, Silence is golden, stillness begins it all: CL booty are only lies, Pirates beware.

 The things most valuable to possess are not visible, though they are more real than anything we own.At the end of the day, all you need are hope and strength.Hope that it will get better and the strength to hold on until it does. #BelieveNever run back to what broke you.Only you and your depth of character will make you successful. Last day online, bye.GO AWAY, FROM MY LIFE ,I HATE YOU.

May be an image of twilight

FUCKING BRILLIANT FUCK-A-DOODLE-DOO’.SPRUCE POWER, SOLAR PANELS.THE RUN, WHAT?Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti ...World is an illusion, Silence is golden, stillness begins it all: CL booty are only lies, Pirates beware.

May be an image of 3 people

STANDARD SET:Happy birthday cousins .My baby boys .Sexy .Pretty .FaceTime?ENGLISH.Rejections, Expensive, Frogs Prices, Coins To Count, Cards To Read, Daily Mountains. Joys 2. Bettina Amanda .Must dig deeper. Where should I start."Conspiracy Theorist''.' ATTORNEY LEGAL NETWORKING GROUP,Like you said. Liars:Frank Agresti ...World is an illusion, Silence is golden, stillness begins it all: CL booty are only lies, Pirates beware.

May be an image of deer

We are all American citizens. When we allow ourselves to become so divided, it makes us ripe for say a foreign fundamentalist religious leader and his followers to march right up the middle and take over.Dancing Circles On Beaches: Are you still single? bless you....Dawgs, Dicks, Veterans Taken. Adam and Eve story is a myth. Humans evolved ..

May be an image of 4 people and text

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